Ongoing Projects

Virtual Thinking Cloth

An idea sparked from the Thinking Cloth featured in the Lockwood & Co. novels and TV show adaptation, the virtual thinking cloth has been a recurring event that has brought fans from all over the world together. Initially starting with the #VirtualThinkingCloth idea from Jonathan Stroud himself, @lavenderghostco on Twitter has organized the Virtual Thinking Cloth as a way to encourage and celebrate the creativity and artistic talents of the members of LockNation. The first thinking cloth, posted in July of 2023, garnered dozens and dozens of doodles, capturing the attention of Complete Fiction and the Strouds on Twitter. 

After the success of the first virtual thinking cloth, plans were made by @lavenderghostco for a second virtual thinking cloth posted on August 27, 2023. This one ended up bringing in 336 doodles and even a couple from Jonathan Stroud and Georgina Stroud. Can you guess whose is whose?

The third virtual thinking cloth was compiled after Cluster Con to commemorate the celebration of the “spooky” season with holidays like Halloween and the Lockwood & Co. “Black Winter” around the corner. Even more doodles were sent in this time to a total of 575 doodles which @lavenderghostco compiled and posted on October 29, 2023.

Shortly after the third thinking cloth, a fourth holiday-themed thinking cloth was posted on December 29, 2023 by @lavenderghostco. This thinking cloth brought in a whopping 938 doodles from the wonderful agents of LockNation.

The next thinking cloth which was shared on February 29, 2024 was themed for Valentine’s Day and showcased 1,375 doodles from the members of LockNation. @lavenderghostco shared, “Thank you all SO MUCH for always joining in!! it means the WORLD to me!!”

The most recent thinking cloth which had 1,705 doodles from LockNation to celebrate Lucy's birthday month was shared on the 12th of May, 2024. It also featured a doodle from Jonathan's original Lockwood & Co sketchbook of Lucy and a doodle from Ali Hadji-Heshmati himself!

The eighth Thinking Cloth was published on the 3rd of September 2024  with the theme - summer. It had approximately 1,815 doodles by the incredible, creative, hilarious people of LockNation! 

The ninth and Second Show Anniversary edition of Thinking Cloth was published on 25 January 2025  and had 2,042 drawings from all over the world from the amazing agents of LockNation, celebrating our show's birthday!

We look forward to hearing about the next virtual thinking cloth! Stay tuned for more details on the Save Lockwood & Co. Twitter

Want to see the previous posted Virtual Thinking Cloths?

Check out the links below.